• Welcome to Pelicar Fantasy RPG Forum.

Welcome to the Pelicar Fantasy RPG Forum!

Started by Head, Sep 19, 2006, 01:45:58 PM

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Hello and welcome to the Pelicar Fantasy Role-Playing Game Forum!  ;D

This forum was created as a place for the designers (and players) of Pelicar to get together and share ideas, discuss and debate the game system and it's rules. 

For those that have found this forum and have no idea what Pelicar is, please visit the following: What is Pelicar?

Forum Rules
  • Guests are able to view the Public forums; however, in order to post, you must register.  This is to prevent automated attempts to fill the board with unwanted and unsolicited advertisements and other spam.
  • If you have registered then you have already read the terms of service.  It's pretty much common sense stuff.  We're all pretty easy going and until something happens will leave it at that. 

Mark H.  :)

"Drawing on my fine command of the English language, I said nothing." - Robert Benchley
Twitter: @mrheadrick


Easy going my ass!  :Goblin: has been starting fights with everyone!  ;D

Soon, I'm gonna sic a  :Glorn: on him!
Thank you Mario! But our Princess is in another castle!